Show license details

Frank Pedersen Moe Updated by Frank Pedersen Moe

In the license overview form you can get detailed information of the license usage.

License overview can be found here: Cepheo® > Tools > License overview

When opening the form it is blank so to populate the data you must click the Refresh button, wait a minute and the data will be there.

The check box "Show hidden elements" if checked will display additional columns making the filtration more precise if needed. And of course the data can be exported to excel for further processing.

The meaning of the colors.

  • Red - This indicates that the user has SysAdmin role.
  • Blue - This tells us where the user has the base license, base license is based on which license type with most license usage. The tip below shows why SCM is the base license. If the user doesn't trigger base in SCM the user will get base in another.
  • Yellow - This is the attach license type if the user trigger more than the base license

Below is the license summary from the form that gives the overall details and tells us where the base license is found

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