Spare Parts Setup

Frank Pedersen Moe Updated by Frank Pedersen Moe

To the goods it is possible to tie up recommended spare parts and spare parts lists. Here it can be indicated which parts are recommended, which parts need to be replaced and how often these need to be replaced. For each part, notes and position/TAG numbers can be specified so that the changeable part can be easily identified. Documents describing guidance for replacing components are also linked here. If the items for which spare parts are specified for audit boards, different levels of spare parts can be linked to the individual revision of the item.

Navigate to Cepheo® > Spare part > Spare part kits > Setup > Spare part parameters in the Modules menu

Make sure "Number sequences" are correct setup.

Navigate to Cepheo® > Spare part > Spare part kits > Setup > Spare Part Types in the Modules menu

In this part you specify type of spare part. Type of spare part identifies recommended for change of critical parts for the Released Item.

Navigate to Cepheo® > Spare part > Spare part kits > Setup > Spare Part Interval in the Modules menu

In this part specify recommended interval for how often a part should be changed to maintain optimal life time for the Released item.

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Product setup

Released Item Setup
