Transform shipment payer account

A Shipment payer account is linked to a customer account in D365. It can be transformed to a different value for each carrier. Without conversion the customer account in Shipment payer account will be sent to the external booking system. 

Navigate to Cepheo® > Shipment booking > Setup > Shipment booking external values

In the form navigate in the tree to:

  • nShift Delivery (Unifaun) > Carrier > (Your Carrier) > Receiver payer account
  • nShift DeliveryHub (Consignor) > Carrier > (Your Carrier) > Receiver payer account

How to add a new Receiver payer account transformation

  1. Select Carrier in the tree
  2. Expand Carrier and select the carrier where the receiver payer account transformation must be added
  3. Select Receiver payer account
  4. Click on New
  5. Select the customer to be transformed in the field Value
  6. Enter the transformation value in the field External value
  7. Click on Save to save the transformation

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Transform container types
