Shipment booking external values

Transform addresses, senders and recipients to address quick ID's

Any address, sender or receiver can be transformed into an Address quick ID. Navigate to Cepheo® > Shipment booking > Setup > Shipment booking external values Transform addresses. Use Address if a se…


Transform label

Shipment booking label ID can be transformed into an external value Navigate to Cepheo® > Shipment booking > Setup > Shipment booking external values In the form navigate in the tree to: nShift Deliv…


Transform carrier information

Any Carrier, Carrier service and Additional service can be transformed into external values. Navigate to Cepheo® > Shipment booking > Setup > Shipment booking external values Transform carrier. In th…


Transform country, state and county

Country, state and county can be transformed to external values. Navigate to Cepheo® > Shipment booking > Setup > Shipment booking external values Transform countries. Country ID's used in addresses…


Transform currency code

Currency ID's can be transformed into external values. Navigate to Cepheo® > Shipment booking > Setup > Shipment booking external values In the form navigate in the tree to: nShift Delivery (Unifaun)…


Transform print favorite

Shipment booking print favorite ID can be transformed into an external value Navigate to Cepheo® > Shipment booking > Setup > Shipment booking external values In the form navigate in the tree to: nSh…


Transform shipment payer account

A Shipment payer account is linked to a customer account in D365. It can be transformed to a different value for each carrier. Without conversion the customer account in Shipment payer account will b…


Transform container types

A Carrier container type can be transformed to a different value for each carrier or for each carrier service. Navigate to Cepheo® > Shipment booking > Setup > Shipment booking external values In the…


Transform shipment booking status

The status received from external shipment booking system can be transformed into Shipment booking status. This transformation only is used when receiving status from external shipment booking system…


Transform security group

Shipment booking security group ID can be transformed into an external value Navigate to Cepheo® > Shipment booking > Setup > Shipment booking external values In the form navigate in the tree to: nSh…

