What is Cepheo Expense App?

Ingrid Flesche Låtun Updated by Ingrid Flesche Låtun

Cepheo Expense App

The Cepheo Expense App is a mobile app developed in Microsoft Power Apps canvas app. The app is accessed from the Power Apps mobile app, however, a shortcut can be added to your mobile home screen for easy access. Additionally, the app is integrated with D365 FO by using virtual entities that are linked to one of Cepheo's IP, called Cepheo Expense Extension (read more about the great functionalities of this IP here).

One of the main focus' of the app is to make it as intuitive for the end users as possible and to decrease number of button clicks. As an example, registering one simple outlay in the Cepheo Expense App requires only around 14 button clicks from create new expense and upload receipt to submit for approval (in comparison, the same process will require around 25 button clicks in D365 FO depending on setup).

As simplicity is key, a list below explains some of the great features of the Cepheo Expense App:

  • Create, adjust or delete expenses
  • Save and submit expenses for approval
  • Upload receipts from files or use mobile camera
  • Supports intercompany functionality
  • View expense reports with status draft, in review, approved and rejected
  • View rejected comments in app
  • Supports Scandinavian requirements with the following expense types:
    • Outlay:
    • Per diem:
    • Mileage:
    • Night allowance:

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